Overcoming food restrictions

If you have been overly restricting your food intake and want to find a happy balance then here are a few tips to help.

Firstly keep a food diary and plan your meals in advance. Don’t eat on the go. Eat mindfully and enjoy.

Avoid regular healthy eating sites

Steer clear of normal healthy eating sites, as many of them promote low fat or sugar, which are actually crucial for recovery and weight restoration. Also be mindful of who you follow on social media, what message are they portraying?

Let someone else make it for you

Sometimes the process of preparing meals yourself can send anxiety levels through the roof. If you're overwhelmed, try to let someone else make your food and let them do it alone. This leaves you to only worry about eating it.

Think quality over quantity

Eating large amounts of food at once is often not easy at this stage. But choosing nutrient-rich foods in a smaller portion will be more manageable, and you won't be depriving your body. Focus on getting a variety of food groups in your meals. Try to include some protein, fat, carbs and fruits and vegetables. Try eating food as opposed to drinking a protein shake/meal replacement drink.

Choose meals that bring back positive food memories

Choosing meals that bring back comforting memories can help to recreate positive associations with food. Memory is a great starting point for your journey to recovery and rebuilding a healthy relationship with eating.

Structure your eating

Creating order to your eating can take some of the stress out of the equation. Agree to a set time for each meal and plan your snacks in advance. Try to stick to these times regardless of whether you are hungry. This is a good way to reinstate a normal eating pattern while you wait for your eating and hunger to return.

Plan your meals ahead

Make some time once a week to plan your meals for the week ahead, using the above tips. This will allow you to make sure you are eating a balanced diet while also taking away the stress of choosing what you are going to eat.

Once you've decided, you can do one big shop each week. Again, this will remove the stress of constant decision-making and it also stops you having to make multiple trips to the supermarket while you are recovering.

But it's worth noting that, although a plan is helpful, you should not feel limited by it. If your plans for the week change, let your food schedule alter with it. It is not about restricting yourself but instead giving yourself some safe guidelines to work with.

Recovery food ideas

It may take some time to get back to 'normal' eating habits. And that's OK. Having some good go-to foods that provide nutrition in smaller portions is a great starting point. Some of these ingredients include:


They contain many nutrients including some B vitamins which have a role in helping the body get energy from the food we eat. Avocados provide a good source of energy in manageable portions, making them a great option when starting your journey to recovery.

Baked beans

Not only are they a source of protein, fibre and one of your five a day but they are also a great store cupboard ingredient. Have these at home for when you need something quick and easy.

Oily fish

Oily fish are a great source of omega 3 which the brain needs to function optimally and aid your recovery. Oily fish such as salmon can be purchased precooked and is freezable, making it another storable, quick, go-to option which can be cooked in minutes in the microwave if necessary.


Eggs are a 'complete protein', which means they contain all nine of the essential amino acids that our body is unable to make. This makes them a great, easy to prepare choice which will provide the body with many of the building blocks required for recovery.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are another great store cupboard item while also being easy to have in your bag as snacks through the day. They provide a multitude of benefits, one of which is vitamin E which, amongst other things, supports the health of our hair and nails. Nut butters are an ideal topping to toast.

My blog on eating to support your mood can be found in here.

See food in a different light

Try to see food as the thing that would make you stronger, and consciously make myself think this way every time you have to eat and are feeling anxious. Even write it down and stick it in the kitchen or dining room.


Replenish what has been burnt off during exercise, usually within 1 hour of training. A protein shake would be beneficial, a protein bar would be better. If exercise is high impact or heavy weights then add creatine to your daily nutrition regime – more info on the benefits of creatine can be found here 10 Health and Performance Benefits of Creatine (healthline.com).


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