A personal insight into bullying

For those of you who know me are aware that I was subjected to relentless psychological and religious bullying at an all-boys Catholic boarding school. 

In addition, religious-based intimidation 24/7 at the hands of those responsible for my care, ensuring I was safeguarded and protected due to the fact they were responsible for an innocent child being away from his parents. 

Instead, the fear of God consumed every fibre of my being. I went to bed terrified to sleep and woke petrified of the day ahead - the fear of God was so deep rooted in me for three long painful and terrifying years (1990-1993). 

“God is watching you boy”, “God knows your sins”, “You will be punished by God if you do this, or, that” was how I was kept in line. 

Not being academically bright meant I was subjected to being told I’d amount to nothing. That I’m useless and a failure void of any worth. And, that was just from the teachers never mind my peers. Excluded, rejected, abandoned, worthless, failure and humiliated are but a few emotions I feel 24/7, even to this very day, over 29 years on from leaving school at 16.

I fight a daily mental battle against feeling worthless and being a total failure. So, the saying “sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you”, has to be one of the most absurd and ludicrous saying of all times.

Being diagnosed with Complex-PTSD in 2021 due to the relentless bullying I endured at school, I would have longed to be pelted with sticks, stones, fists etc., not to be subjected to mental, emotional and psychological torment. And, religious bullying by those responsible for my care and wellbeing.

Today kicks off Anti-Bullying Week.

Between us all, let’s increase a better understanding of bullying and highlight methods for both avoiding and combating it. This year, the theme is ‘Reach Out’, which aims to empower children to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes.

I’m keen to raise awareness of the effects that bullying can have on an individual and the forms of which bullying can show up at home, school or within the workplace.

If you have experienced bullying, and you’re dealing with emotions that this has provoked, please reach out


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