Couples minor disagreements solution

Rules of engagement - boundaries for an argument:

Take the time to identify root causes, or the underlying problem(s) associated with the most minor of disagreements, in isolation, such as a house chore not being done.

The tiniest disagreement about the washing up not being done, suddenly escalates into a furious argument.

Demonstrate emotional intelligence by nipping this in the bud, calmly at the time so defusing the possibility of a catastrophic argument being the end result.

Do not harbour or stockpile negative feelings only to use them against your partner. This could be resentment, anger, feelings of being disrespected, wronged etc. Stockpiling ammunition against your partner, lying in wait for a more serious dispute being one week, one month or one year down the line, never ends well.

Boundaries around racking up situations of being wronged, let down, disrespected etc., by your partner, at some random point in the past, should be identified and left off the table . . . on both sides.

Do not use past evidence against your partner later on down the line to discredit them and dismantle their argument.

That an agreement is reached to discuss issues as and when they arise. Any situation and scenario, outside the last 7 days, cannot be aired during an argument and, therefore, used as a weapon to outdo your partner.

Arguments and disagreements will happen between you and your partner. Try not to out trump each other as that tactic rarely ends well and certainly isn’t conducive to reaching an amicable response, quickly.



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