Struggling to sleep?

Struggling to sleep – try the sleep restriction method.

The sleep restriction method requires the client to be in bed for a set period of time.

No longer than they usually sleep at night according to their sleep diary.

This technique involves spending less time in bed to ensure restful sleep for the time that the client is actually wanting to be in bed for. 

The common issue is that the sufferer will go to bed hoping to fall asleep at some point whether that is 30-minutes after getting into bed or 3 hours.

They'll try to force sleep and command their body fall asleep. Most people want and feel they should have 8 hours undisturbed sleep each night, which is unrealistic. 

This technique is effective because the bed should be seen by the client as a place for sleep and sex.

So, relaxation and pleasure opposed to frustration and annoyance.

 If the sleep diary evidences that the client is getting 5 hours sleep each night, they are to work back from the time they wish to wake up.

So, let’s say the client needs to wake up at 7am each morning, they need to be staying awake and not getting into bed before 2am.

Once the client has slept well during the prearranged 5 hours for at least 2 weeks, an additional 15 to 30 minutes can be added to when the client goes to sleep and not when they wake up.

So, in this case, the client could try going to bed at 1.45am and still getting up at 7am.


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