Taking some time for me

We all know life can be busy, with work, social and family commitments filling our diary it can be difficult to say no to things for fear of disappointing others. This can come at the detriment of ourselves.

We need to learn to say no, to put ourselves first. I have implemented a few changes myself as I was guilty of putting myself at the bottom of the priority list.

Firstly, I have booked out slots to go to the gym, I have marked them off in my calendar as I would a client’s session.

I no longer see clients before 8am, after 7:30pm or at the weekend, with a young family I savour these times to spend with them.

I make a concerted effort to switch my phone off at 9pm in the evening, this way I can wind down and relax for the evening with my wife.

We have recently bought our daughter a pony, it has been brilliant seeing the confidence it is giving her.

It has also become a family affair, with our eldest son coming up to the yard for a break in his GCSE revision and our middle son coming up and learning from his younger sister, he braved getting on and Sophia took great delight in showing him how to do it. I have shared blogs in the past about how animals are great for mental health and when I had a free evening this week, I joined my wife and daughter in their trip up to the yard. I relished in screen free time, fresh air, time with my family and being able to switch off completely lying on the back of Pringles.


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